
The world’s first device rotation-based violin simulator.

Kash Patel

ViolinEsque icon Google Play badge.

ViolinEsque is the world’s first rotation-based violin-keyboard hybrid app.

What does the mean? Well, it means that unlike prior apps that aim to simulate the violin using multitouch input, e.g. one hand to simulate pressing a finger on a string, and the other to simulate bowing, ViolinEsque uses device roll (rotation on the long axis) to simulate changing strings, device pitch (rotation on the short or across axis) to simulate changing hand position, and a single hand to simulate pressing a finger down and bowing while the finger is pressed down.

While this integration of finger pressing and bowing into a single input does limit expressiveness, it has the enormous benefit of allowing a clean, streamlined UI, and significantly easier tone generation. This means that ViolinEsque is not a violin simulator, but a violinist’s companion: they can focus on composition and musical refinement without being concerned with technique and, indeed, without even bringing out their violin — very useful on the go!

A violinist can quickly test out various compositions on ViolinEsque, knowing that the button layout, designed to mimic the finger positions available to the four left-hand fingers, makes it easy to translate them to the real thing.

The ease with which notes are generated also makes it the ideal companion for a beginner violinist, as they can “practice” pieces on ViolinEsque first to hear what they should sound like, while also getting a sense of when to change strings, hand positions, and finger placements.

And, of course, it can always be used to bang out some tunes to pass the time!

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